Discover the 5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Memory Super Hero

...Without 10,000 Hours of Practice


Ready to Improve Your Memory?

Find out what memory experts, neuroscientists and the top 1% of students already know...
...and how you can quickly transform your ability to memorize.

Cut Through the Garbage

There's a lot of bad information online (and in schools) about memory and memorization.

Learn what to look out for.

Shortcut to Success

High value, no-nonsense content jammed into a short 3-part video mini-series.

Zero-to-Hero should be fast.

One-of-a-Kind Videos

You don't like watching boring videos and we don't like making 'em. So we don't.

From the world's most viewed memory coach.

The World's Most Viewed Memory Coach

With millions of views on YouTube and other platforms, Kyle Buchanan is the most viewed professional memory coach in the world. 

He’s pioneered the use of whiteboard animation videos to teach best-practice memorization techniques to students, professionals and lifelong learners of all ages. 

After seeing thousands and thousands of people go through his training, Kyle estimates only about 1% of people know how to memorize effectively … and he’s determined to give that number a nuclear boost.

Ready to Put On Your Super Hero Cape?

It's Only 5 Simple Steps Away


Discover the 5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Memory Super Hero

(Without 10,000 Hours of Practice)