⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.9/5 by 13,747 amazed customers
Memorize 45 Presidents in 60 Minutes...
...Even if Your Quiz is Tomorrow and You Can't Remember ANYTHING
Link each president in your mind so it sticks ... without wasting time with boring repetition (like they teach at school)
Discover how to finally remember new information, even if you've tried every review technique that exists and they all failed
Find out what it's like to watch videos for 60 minutes and ace your quiz (and realize you're NOT the poster child for poor memory)

"I got 95% on my Presidents exam! Missed a few first names but got the last names written down in like 2 minutes. It was awesome! That memory trick is quite amazing. Was telling my teacher about it and he might incorporate into next classes he teaches."
- Jenny Garcia Lemmer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.9/5 by 13,747 amazed customers
Memorize 45 Presidents in 60 Minutes...
...Even if Your Quiz is Tomorrow and You Can't Remember ANYTHING
- Link each president in your mind so it sticks ... without wasting time with boring repetition (like they teach at school)
- Discover how to finally remember new information, even if you've tried every review technique that exists and they all failed
- Find out what it's like to watch videos for 60 minutes and ace your quiz (and realize you're NOT the poster child for poor memory)

"I got 95% on my Presidents exam! Missed a few first names but got the last names written down in like 2 minutes. It was awesome! That memory trick is quite amazing. Was telling my teacher about it and he might incorporate into next classes he teaches."
- Jenny Garcia Lemmer

Used by Students at:

Used by Students at:

Here's how it works...

1. The #1 Scientific Fact
for Memory Hackers
Human memory is predominantly visual.

2. The #2 Scientific Fact for Memory Hackers
Memorization connects information in your mind.

3. To Go from 'Zero' to 'Memory Hack Hero'
Build connections with mental imagery.

Here's how it works...

1. The #1 Scientific Fact
for Memory Hackers
Human memory is predominantly visual.

2. The #2 Scientific Fact for Memory Hackers
Memorization connects information in your mind.

3. To Go from 'Zero' to 'Memory Hack Hero'
Build connections with mental imagery.

Super-Glue 45 Presidents in your Long-Term Memory ... Fast
Our memory hack videos use the expert ‘Link and Story Method’ to tell a carefully crafted story with images that link each chemical element in your mind.
✔️ 5 x 'memory hack' videos for instant results
✔️ Personal support inside the course with Q&A, so you’re never alone
✔️ Register for free and begin streaming straight away

Super-Glue 45 Presidents in your Long-Term Memory ... Fast
Our memory hack videos use the expert ‘Link and Story Method’ to tell a carefully crafted story with images that link each chemical element in your mind.

✔️ 5 x 'memory hack' videos for instant results
✔️ Personal support inside the course with Q&A, so you’re never alone
✔️ Register for free and begin streaming straight away

Valued by 13,000+ People Worldwide
Students are astonishing their teachers, and lifelong learners are astonishing themselves by memory hacking 45 presidents in minutes.

“Amazing!!! My kids and I learned all the presidents by watching each video once!! It just took one free afternoon. My 12 year old didn’t think it would work, but kept saying “This is incredible! We learned all the presidents in an hour!!””
Dorothy Faulks

"This is seriously blowing my mind. I just took a presidents quiz in history today and I am studying for the retake. I only remembered 22 out of forty five but I couldn't get the others. After that I studied so hard that I fell asleep studying, probably a couple hours. Then I couldn't remember a lot of them at all. But then in like twenty minutes of these videos I can remember about thirty already. Just blows my mind! [Edit: Kyle, I got 100% on the retake of my presidents quiz!!!!!!!]"
Bryson Hall

"This is crazy how easy this is!! I read the comments before watching the video and heading to your website and thought, "there is no way it can be this easy," but it is! WOW!"
Alyssa Acklin

Valued by 13,000+ People Worldwide
Students are astonishing their teachers, and lifelong learners are astonishing themselves by memory hacking 45 presidents in minutes.

“Amazing!!! My kids and I learned all the presidents by watching each video once!! It just took one free afternoon. My 12 year old didn’t think it would work, but kept saying “This is incredible! We learned all the presidents in an hour!!””
Dorothy Faulks

"This is seriously blowing my mind. I just took a presidents quiz in history today and I am studying for the retake. I only remembered 22 out of forty five but I couldn't get the others. After that I studied so hard that I fell asleep studying, probably a couple hours. Then I couldn't remember a lot of them at all. But then in like twenty minutes of these videos I can remember about thirty already. Just blows my mind! [Edit: Kyle, I got 100% on the retake of my presidents quiz!!!!!!!]"
Bryson Hall

"This is crazy how easy this is!! I read the comments before watching the video and heading to your website and thought, "there is no way it can be this easy," but it is! WOW!"
Alyssa Acklin
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.9/5 by 13,747 amazed customers

Questions? We've got the answers.
My quiz is tomorrow, will this help?
Yes, you'll be able to start at Washington and recite all the presidents up to Trump.
And because of the way it works, you'll be able to recite them all backwards too!
Will it work for me?
The expert memory techniques you're about to experience are based on mental imagery. Unless you're in the 2% of the population who are unable to create mental pictures (that's a condition called 'aphantasia'), these techniques will work for you.
Human memory is mainly visual ... this is NOT a 'learning styles' thing ... so all you need to do is watch the videos. Leave the rest to us!
Want to read more testimonials?
I needed a quick way to memorize their order for my upcoming test, but I was scared of such a daunting task. The visuals in the videos just stuck with me, and putting it into a story form was entertaining and helped the memorization process. After the first video, I went back and recited the main points of the story and the presidents they related to - it made me giddy! I'm so happy and less stressed now.
Thank you so much! I'm homeschooled and this is the big project for the end of the year I have been putting this off so thanks so much its working so far! This is a wish come true!
Toria Anderson
I'm surprised I was able to find something like this that actually works. You're a miracle worker!
John B
This is just sublime, made my day so much better and actually had fun learning. Amazing
Carl Dedeyan
This actually works. I got it down in about an hour
Bolu Osibamiro
AMAZING!!!!!!!! Super impressive I've never thought that something like this would work. I never thought it was possible to learn the presidents so fast. You're amazing, I can't believe how you took a few drawings , turned them into a story, and make learning so fun! Also I love the background music its soooooo satisfying and it helps me focus on the video more then without it because I have ADHD
About a month ago, I used this course to learn all the presidents. I just reviewed to see if I could recall what I learned, and I've confirmed it's really in there - I remembered the whole story! Thank you for making it so easy and fun!
Mel Roman
I'm in fifth grade and I'm dyslexic and we have to memorize all the presidents. I said I could not do it until I found this website
Slade Hickson
Thank you Kyle! I spent less than 20 minutes on this and I know the first 20 presidents already!
Sam Rhodes
This is extremely helpful. I am coming to a new school and the students have already had a head start in learning the presidents. Now I can for sure catch up! It is also really fun!
Lauren Moody
We learned the first 20 of the periodic table of elements from you last year! Love it. It was like playing a game together AND learning. Using the presidents this year (this week)! Awesome! Thanks so much.
This video was awesome the bizarre connections make it hilarious and easier to remember, I love your videos so much I watched these ones just for fun (I live in Australia so don't need to know American Presidents) but I now know the 45 American Presidents. All of your videos are so awesome and amazing, I can't wait for your Foreign languages course to come out and while I'm not sure exactly what your memorize cards video will be about I am anticipating them both. Thank you so much for making these awesome videos and sharing them with the world I have told some of my friends about Memorize academy and will continue to spread the word about this amazing website
This is gonna save my sorry behind in an upcoming history competition!
Indesh VJ
hey i just memorized 1 to 45 in 60 minutes to ace my test thank you so much
Jennifer Scherer
That saved my grade. It was actually a great way of memorising. You should make a similar video on the 50 state capitals. Thanks soooooo much
Daniel Flores John
Wow! I’ve memorized the first 30 presidents in only 18 minutes. This is much easier than a song, thank you so much! I can’t wait to tell my friends I finally found something that actually works, hopefully they will sign up to memorize them too!
Audrey Burns
This really works! I can memorize the 20 presidents first try!
You just saved my history grade!!!!!!!!
It is amazing how pics can help you memorise things so fast and efficiently!
Shreya Gupta
Thank you so much! Never thought it would be this easy. Much better than the song.
AMAZING!!! I connected all of them with no problem at all! Thank you for making videos like these! Studying for AP US history takes up so much time and this just saved me hours!
Bob Brown
My 5th grader just learned the presidents in order for a test in one hour! He said "I feel so smart!" He loves drawing so this was much more helpful than just a song.
Amazing this is awesome I watched your first video for a test after I was done I thought it was a waste of time so I went back to the song which took two days to learn. The test day finally arrived and I tried to remember the song but failed so I looked out side thinking all was lost when I was blinded by the sun that was when I remembered the mad sun. So I went through the story and I could see it so clearly that it felt like it was a movie and I was watching it in class. Thank you you saved my grades.
Man I wish I had known about visualization when I memorized the capitals and countries. It took me months to do that and only a few hours for the presidents. Thank you for all your work!
Jenna Scott
I'm having to go on crunch time to memorize all 45 for APUSH, and this was a great help! I got all 45 memorized in an hour!
Jennifer Thornton
I love this! I am so disappointed that I didn't know about this visual memorization sooner in my life. Thank you
Alexis Winder
Wow...never thought it is going to be so easy. Thank you so much!!!
Usmon Mirzoaliev
Can't believe how well it worked this was awesome I memorized all 45 presidents in under an hour
Bronte Burkart
thank you so much Mr.Buchanan, we are supposed to memorize all the 45 presidents at my school (last and first name) and I am super bad at memorizing things and I thought is was going to be impossible! but I already have the first 20!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH TRULY!!!
I had a test and this helped me cram all the presidents in one day thank you !!!!
Oscar Frometa
Thank you, Kyle, it's fantastic, what you do. All the best!
Andrew Provod
My 12-year-old son LOVES this and is so engaged, we bought the periodic table as well. Thank you for bringing art and fun to education. All the best!
Susanna Scott
i have an AP Us History quiz coming in two days and i have to memorize the first 30 presidents,so i went online and search up the possible ways in which i could really memorize them and most ways like the first of their last names and songs and chunking them into pieces etc. didn't really help. It seems like it would take a week to learn them. And finally i stumble up on one of your videos and check it out, after watching the youtube video with the 1st 10 presidents i memorize them by the end of the video.which is awesome and great.i know now that i am totally going to ace that quiz and all thanks would be to you.
I had to take a little break in between sessions but I would say that it took less than an hour to remember all the US presidents.
This works great! Kyle takes time to explain the images and doesn't blow through them like the president songs! This is a 10 out of 10!
Christopher Knab
This really helped me to learn all my 45 presidents. This is the only thing that really helped me to learn them. It was fun and easy. Thank you so much!
Thank you very much for your memorizing presidents course it really helped me memorize all 45 presidents in less than an hour for my test in civics!
Ishan Vepa
These are amazing! Thanks for sharing your creativity. It's genius :)
Josie Rock
That was great. Reading them off flash cards never really worked for me but now all I have to do is start a story and I can remember it. I have aced all my presidents so far but Monday is when we do all 45 and I'm so excited because I know I'll crush it. Thank You so much this really helped me
This was awesome I memorized all of the presidents in a hour.
whoooo! I am really amazed.
Man that was great!! This was the easiest way to memorize them :)
Rene M
this is so cool i got all of them
Jude Truschel
You literally just saved my grade on my history final. Thank you!!!
Becca Telander
You have saved my life! I love this so much! Thank you!
Mind blown at how fast I learned all of them!!! This video was a lifesaver!!
Oh my lands! I literally learned these in less than 20 mins. I'm memorizing faster than ever!!!
Aleiha Mitchell
I love the presidents video
Jodi Lyn Peer
You are a life saver! I'm so happy I found this :)
Three of us just memorized it!
Courtney Bradley
Oh my goodness, this is working so well! I can now remember all of the us presidents in order!!! Thanks Kyle.
Wow that was so easy I memorized all 45 presidents in around an hour
Good course Kyle, all 44 remembered in less than an hour. Thanks!
Simon Thomas
Love it!! Great whiteboards! And so easy to learn and retain. You've done it again, dear Kyle!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.9/5 by 13,747 amazed customers
Recite 45 Presidents in Less than 60 Minutes from Now
Fast. Easy. Super-Effective.

"I was able to have the Presidents completely memorized in only two hours!"
"I was watching different songs to help memorize the presidents repeatedly for two days straight. I tried saying the names, writing them down, even rapping, but I could only remember up to the 10th president, and some random ones in between.
It felt like I was terrible at memorization. Which I normally am not, but this was really stumping me. But these videos came from a totally new perspective, and it was actually fun to learn with it.
I realized how awesome they are after I watched the first video and I had some stuff I had to do, so a couple hours later I had someone quiz me on the first 10 presidents. I still remembered them really easily. I was super excited I had finally found something that worked.
I don't have to spend tons of hours on this one thing. I was able to have the Presidents completely memorized in only two!"
Skye Donaldson
(High school student)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.9/5 by 13,747 amazed customers
Recite 45 Presidents in Less than 60 Minutes from Now
Fast. Easy. Super-Effective.

"I was able to have the Presidents completely memorized in only two hours!"
"I was watching different songs to help memorize the presidents repeatedly for two days straight. I tried saying the names, writing them down, even rapping, but I could only remember up to the 10th president, and some random ones in between.
It felt like I was terrible at memorization. Which I normally am not, but this was really stumping me. But these videos came from a totally new perspective, and it was actually fun to learn with it.
I realized how awesome they are after I watched the first video and I had some stuff I had to do, so a couple hours later I had someone quiz me on the first 10 presidents. I still remembered them really easily. I was super excited I had finally found something that worked.
I don't have to spend tons of hours on this one thing. I was able to have the Presidents completely memorized in only two!"
Skye Donaldson
(High school student)